Efficiency Evaluation in the Use of Natural Gas in Pre-Salt Petroleum Fields Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Their Relation to CO2 Contami-nation Level

Document Type : Research Paper


LEPROD, Center of Science and Technology, Darcy Ribeiro State University of Northern of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


 Verifying the existence of a direct relationship between the inefficient use of natural gas and the high levels of CO2 contamination is indispensable. Therefore, in this study, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology to evaluate the efficiency in the use of natural gas from 11 pre-salt-producing fields was used. Both qualitative and quantitative data on the production of oil and natural gas, made available by the ANP, were analyzed. Afterwards, the Voador field was considered 100% efficient, while the least efficient fields were Búzios, Marlim, Sapinhoá, and Lula, respectively. This result confirmed the research hypothesis since Búzios, Sapinhoá, and Lula were expected to be among the least efficient fields, and they present the highest levels of CO2 contamination. However, Marlim’s great inefficiency highlights the fact that several other parameters greatly influence the best use of natural gas and should also be evaluated. Ultimately, the benchmarks identified in this study can help inefficient Decision Making Units (DMUs), as Marlim, in the search for techniques and production models that allow an improvement in the use of natural gas.


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